Learning to Fly

Learning to Fly
Painted 06/29/2014

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Global Muscle Construction Exercise in April

Okay, this is where it gets a little complicated. I set out at the end of March to sketch fifty gestures using http://www.quickposes.com/. The gestures were completed in a day and scanned on 3/31. Then, I added skeletal landmarks as defined by Michael Hampton in gel pen. I scanned the landmarks on 4/06. Step 3 was to add muscle groups with colored pencils (color key listed below), scanned on 4/18. The last step was to define the form of these muscle groups with a needle nose pen.

Defining the groups led me to a snag. In order to define the muscles, I had to know their exact origin and insertion points along the human skeleton. I don't! I don't know them! Not exactly. Not at the time, anyway. I decided to stop at #18, scanned the first ten figures on 5/15, and scrapped the rest. This is enough to show the idea. Rather than upload each image individually, I decided to put the first ten together and hope the resolution worked. It works well enough.

I don't know which is best: color first, then outline or vice versa. Mistakes with the pencils are easier to cover up, so I'll continue with this strategy. What needs to happen now is a repeat of this exercise from Step 1, but with much greater detail. Over the past month, I have studied bones and muscles. I feel confident about insertions and origins, and have now come back around to proportions (where I began). The form of the pelvis is proving a pain in the ass, but with time even I shall master it. The real challenge now is learning how to hold the pencil as Proko and Vilppu hold it. Perhaps I'll write about that at a later time.


Step 1: Construct skeleton of the figure with 2H drafting pencil

Step 2:   Mark torso landmarks with gel pens

Red:                 Spine
Black:              Cranial Notch
Red:                 Clavicles
Green:              Sternum
Blue:                Manubrium
Blue:                Scapulae
Red:                 Iliac Crest
Blue:                10th Rib
Black:              Belly Button
Green:              7th Cervical Vertebra
    Mark limb landmarks with gel pens
Orange:           Head of humerus and femur
Blue:                Ends of Ulna
Green:             Ends of Tibia

Step 3: Draw muscles with colored pencils
    7 Torso Muscles
Light Blue:       Sternocleidomastoid
Dark Green:    Trapezius
Red:                 Latissimus
Yellow:            Pectoralis
Dark Blue:       Serratus
Orange:           Oblique
Light Green:     Rectus Abdominus
    7 Arm Muscles
Light Green:    Deltoid
Orange:           Bicep
Dark Blue:       Medial Tricep
Light Blue:       Lateral Tricep
Red:                Pronator Teres
Dark Green:    Brachioradialis
Yellow:            Carpi Ulnaris

    8 Leg Muscles
Light Blue:       Gluteus Medius
Dark Green:    Gluteus Maximus
Red:                 Iliotibial Band
Yellow:            Abductor
Dark Blue:       Sartorius
Orange:           Vastus
Light Green:     Hamstrings
Light Blue:       Calves
Step 4: Finish contours of construction with needle nose pen

*Some of the muscles have the wrong color, before I manipulated the original key.

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